Real Estate Investing Is BULL*****

Episode 5 February 06, 2023 00:39:25

Hosted By

Rob Lawrence Shawn Connors

Show Notes

One of the most frustrating things about the real estate investing world, is all of the bullshit involved. You have all kinds of "gurus" who spout off nonsense and just try to sell courses without having real knowledge. People can fill their minds with all kinds of BS that keeps them from getting started. And dealing with tenants or guests can be a real drag! In this episode of the Philadelphia Wealth Project, we talk about all of the BS involved in investing and how to get through it. This is a great episode jam packed with actionable material you can use to be successful! __________________________________________________________

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Rob Lawrence - Team Leader | Investor

Vanguard Realty Alliance, LLC

1244 West Chester Pike Suite 409, West Chester, Pa 19382

Realtor (PA/DE/MD)

484-354-9222 (cell) 484-800-1777 (office)

[email protected]

Shawn Connors - Managing Broker | Owner | Investor

Vanguard Realty Alliance, LLC

1244 West Chester Pike Suite 409, West Chester, Pa 19382

PA License AB068802

267-808-0574 (cell) 484-800-1777 (office)

[email protected]

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Real estate investing is bullshit. So you better grab a shovel. Sean <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:00:08 Is that how we're starting this one? Yeah, I like that Speaker 0 00:00:11 <laugh> episode five. We're getting real. All right. You know what I'm sick of? Speaker 1 00:00:16 What's that? I'm Speaker 0 00:00:17 Sick of all the fucking bullshit. Ooh. We might have to bleep that <laugh>. Um, but you know what? I'm sick of it. I'm just sick of it. I, I like, I feel like there's so much of it in real estate mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I feel like people are sick of it. Right. I agree. It's like the rah rah, kumba, kumbaya. Go ahead. Invest in real estate. Nothing bad's ever gonna happen. Ooh. You know, um, you're gonna just be rich and sign up for my course. Speaker 1 00:00:43 Yes. There's a lot of that out there. Unfortunately. Speaker 0 00:00:46 It's bullshit. Speaker 1 00:00:47 It's bullshit. And Right. I believe that the reason why there's a lot of that out there is because people tend to be gullible. Speaker 0 00:00:55 Well, yeah. I mean, there's, Speaker 1 00:00:56 And also there's just not listening to the right information. They're not listening to the Philadelphia Wealth Speaker 0 00:01:01 Project. Yeah. This is a no bullshit zone. Speaker 1 00:01:03 This is a no bullshit zone Speaker 0 00:01:05 <laugh>, although we deal with plenty of it and we've had to deal with our own. So in this episode, I think what I really, you know what, I'm watching some of these podcasts and, you know, you get these guests on there and they tell their story, which they've kind of sugarcoated, in my opinion. Yeah. Right. And they don't talk about, and they say, well, why is not everybody a millionaire? Right. Like, why is not everybody just a millionaire? Right. And the reason is it's kind of hard. Speaker 1 00:01:30 Yeah. It's very hard. Speaker 0 00:01:31 Right. It's like you have to transform yourself personally, professionally, spiritually, mentally, to do this. Speaker 1 00:01:38 You do. Speaker 0 00:01:39 And it's hard. Speaker 1 00:01:41 Yeah. And a lot of people stray away from things that are difficult. Right. Speaker 0 00:01:45 Yeah. But, you know, I was talking, it's like, you know, what else is hard? Speaker 1 00:01:50 Being poor, being Speaker 0 00:01:51 Broke? Being broke or being just, you know, like, let's say you're doing okay, but you work 40 hours a week. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> 50 weeks a year for 40 years, you retire and die. Speaker 1 00:02:06 That's Speaker 0 00:02:07 Tough. That sounds like shit. Speaker 1 00:02:09 That sounds like <laugh> hell Speaker 0 00:02:11 On earth. Right. And I think that's like what a lot of us are actually sold as the dream. Like, hey, um, maybe when you're 72, if you save half your paycheck and you put it in our, uh, account, you can retire maybe six months to a year before you die. Speaker 1 00:02:27 Before you die. Speaker 0 00:02:28 <laugh> <laugh>. And you'll be, Speaker 1 00:02:30 I'm laughing at free. I'm not trying to sound insensitive, but Right. I think it's, the point you're getting at is that it's bullshit. Right. Speaker 0 00:02:37 And I'm also trying to be funny. So it's okay for you to laugh, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:02:41 I know. I try. We're not laughing at people dying. Right. I think what we're laughing at is the fact that we are as a culture sold. Yeah. Right. We're sold this dream that if we do certain things, if we take our money Yeah, you're right. Invest half your, your money for 40 years and then put it into my fund and then all of a sudden when you retire. Speaker 0 00:03:03 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:03:05 Right. Speaker 0 00:03:06 And you know what I was thinking about? As hard as real estate can be, and being a real estate agent is extremely competitive. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, like most real estate agents are doing like three or four deals a year. Like they're just not really making a living. Right. Yeah. And, and, and it's, and it's super competitive. And I said to my wife last night, I said, if I have to, I will kill to not have to go back to a quirk in a corporate job. Like whatever I have to do. Speaker 1 00:03:31 Not really. He's not really gonna kill someone. Speaker 0 00:03:34 Maybe if they're like, what? What if they're like, they want die. Like they're just, Speaker 1 00:03:39 Nah. Speaker 0 00:03:40 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:03:41 We're not talking assisted Speaker 0 00:03:42 Suicide in this podcast, Rob. Alright. Well anyway, I'm just saying I know Speaker 1 00:03:45 Figuratively, Speaker 0 00:03:46 Figuratively. Yes. Know I'm not gonna murder anyone. Uh, I don't think, um, maybe, but I'm just saying that like, I do not want to go back. Like I will do whatever it taste to succeed in this business because of the level of freedom. And also I think the level like progress and, and development and just the people I'm around every, I love everything about it. Speaker 1 00:04:06 Yes. You know? Yes. Yeah. So I've had a very interesting time so far in real estate. Yeah. In a great way. I have thought since I've gotten into real estate, it has not felt like work. Hmm. When before I got in real estate, I was working in the kitchens for 10 years. Yeah. That was work. You go, you show up in the morning, whatever time you leave, whatever time you get your work done, and then you can pretty much leave it there Right. And then go home and separate. That's Speaker 0 00:04:38 The advantage. Right? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:04:40 Um, but within real estate, I don't feel like it's actually work cuz I just love doing it. Right. I don't love every aspect of it, you know. Sure. Which is why I've gen I've morphed into where I'm at in real estate, um, you know, out of sales for the most part, managing broker. Um, but the level of personal development that I've experienced being in real estate, I would've never gotten there. Speaker 0 00:05:05 Right. Speaker 1 00:05:06 If I was still stuck in the kitchen. Speaker 0 00:05:08 Yeah. And I, you know, I think it's, it's just like once you're set free, it's like you can't go back in. Like, you, you just like, you know, going back to the kitchen, I'm sure right now would just seem like an impossibility. Speaker 1 00:05:20 Oh, it seems, it seems like horrible, you know, <laugh>, like I love cooking. Yes. It seems like a prison. Yeah. Prison. It's like to prison. Like, I can't imagine to go back to that. I know. Speaker 0 00:05:30 Couldn't, man. I was getting up at 6:00 AM I would drive for an hour and 15 minutes up to my office, and then I was flying around all the time. I was in traffic all the time, fighting, cursing at people. Like, I mean, you know, bosses were screwing me outta commissions. You know, I had a pretty good job, a pretty good life, you know, but like, you know, most people are not gonna complain about above six figure salary. Right, right. But like, you know, it's still like handcuffs. Like you just, you have to do what you're told if you want the paycheck. Right. You know, and, um, and it's not different. Here's the thing, right. When you're real in real estate, right. There's, you still have a lot of bosses, right? Oh yeah. You still got a lot of people telling you what Speaker 1 00:06:14 Clients, Speaker 0 00:06:15 Sean's always telling Speaker 1 00:06:16 Me what to do. I'm always telling 'em what Speaker 0 00:06:17 To do. I don't listen <laugh>. But I I'm just saying like, there's always someone like, you know, there's always a, you know, there's always people you're serving. Right, right. Right. There's people that we're always trying to help. It's not about, about us. And I mean, that's what this podcast is about, is helping other people and serving other people. But, you know, I think the thing that I really want to address today is like, in real estate, there's so much bullshit on two, two fronts. Right. There's like this, there's bullshit. You gotta deal with being a real estate investor mm-hmm. <affirmative> being a realtor. There's bullshit that people put out there that like, I'm so super successful, everything's great. I never have any problems. Right. This is like the social media generation. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:06:55 Every, everyone on social media sa sharing their wins and not sharing the losses. Speaker 0 00:07:00 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:07:01 It's very natural Speaker 0 00:07:02 And fake Instagram followers. Yep. Fake this, fake that. You know, bullshit. Speaker 1 00:07:06 It's Speaker 0 00:07:07 Bullshit. Bullshit. I don't like it. <laugh> stinks and I hate it. <laugh>. So I'm just saying like, I, you know, there's that and then there's like the own, our own personal bullshit mm-hmm. <affirmative>, right? Yep. That I feel like I've been having to just remove from myself to succeed. Because I feel like when you kid yourself or you trick yourself into believing something that's not true, you are gonna fall flat on your face. Yeah. In real estate. Speaker 1 00:07:34 Yes. I agree a hundred percent. I don't know who it was, but someone along my journey in life explained to me, or I read it somewhere or heard it somewhere that every time that you say, or every time that I say I can't, right. I'm programming my mind saying, I can't, I can't, I can't, whatever it is, I can't lift those weights. I can't run that marathon. I can't do this, I can't do that. So somewhere along the way, I've been very cognizant of what I say. Like, I try my best not to say to myself, I can't anymore cuz I don't want to program myself. You know, it's not, I can't, it's how can you, right. You know, who can I use to figure this out? What situation could a po can I put myself in where I can figure out how I can do it? Speaker 0 00:08:23 And you know what, there's such a fine line I think for people with like the, all this positivity, positivity stuff, right? Like, oh, you know, just believe in yourself, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But, but then, but then there's a reality about mindset and what you're talking about, which you've like, you've probably done so many things now as becoming a real estate investor that have like changed who you are. Speaker 1 00:08:49 Definitely true. A hundred percent. Yeah. Yeah. So I was the person where, you know, getting in the real estate, it was like negative net worth. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, right? Speaker 0 00:08:59 Yeah. I've been there. Speaker 1 00:09:01 Yeah. And now having multiple properties and increasing my net worth, almost two a million dollars, it's like, holy crap. You know, like, that's, that's amazing. It is amazing. Amazing. And it does something to your mindset, you know, because if you're stuck in the lack mindset, you know, and you're just worried about how am I gonna pay the next bill? Where am I gonna get money to fix my car? How am I gonna afford groceries? You know, whatever it is. Like, if you're stuck in that lack mindset, you are going to be setting yourself up to fail. Speaker 0 00:09:32 You know? And I think that's like the first thing. Let's just say like, the first point is real estate is gonna make you take that shovel and start shoveling your own house basically. And you've got a clean house of yourself. Right. To get rid of your own shit, basically. Because like I run into a lot of real estate investors. I help a lot of real estate investors get started and they're going to have excuses. Speaker 1 00:10:01 Oh Speaker 0 00:10:01 Yeah. They don't even realize our excuses. Right? They just beliefs, oh, well I can't buy in this market. This market's too high, this is too hard. There's no deals, there's no this, there's no that. Right? And it's just like, I'm sitting there like, Speaker 1 00:10:16 Here we go. Speaker 0 00:10:17 Yeah. You know, here we go. I'm just like, okay. But you know, my job is to coach people through that too. Right. Because like Exactly. It's not just the implementation part of helping people become a real estate investor. It's not just, um, getting over Speaker 1 00:10:31 Numbers. Let's go out. Yeah. Let's look at the numbers, let's look at the deal. Analyze 'em. Yeah. It's way Speaker 0 00:10:35 More than that. It's way more than that. You're like a psych psychiatrist. Yeah. I give out a lot of pills. Like a psychiatrist. Speaker 1 00:10:41 <laugh>, not real pills. Speaker 0 00:10:43 <laugh>. Yeah. Well if you, if you just medicate them enough they can calm down and <laugh> buy real estate. So, but I'm saying like, that's, that's one thing, right? Like a lot of people come with a lot of bullshit now when you are a real estate investor mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you also gotta deal with a lot of bullshit of other people's bullshit. Yep. I heard you've been deal with some stiff, Speaker 1 00:11:06 Sometimes things happen and I say to myself, is this real life Speaker 0 00:11:11 <laugh>? Speaker 1 00:11:12 You know, I, I get this call on Monday and I kid you not, I get this call and the guy said, your neighbor stole my dog. Speaker 0 00:11:23 Ah, okay. Speaker 1 00:11:24 And I, and I was so taken aback, right. <laugh>. I was, I was actually in 1244 Westchester Pike walking around <laugh>. And um, I took my stop. I was like, nuts, Speaker 0 00:11:36 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:11:37 My neighbor stole your dog. He's like, yeah, your neighbor stole my dog. I was like, look, are you talking about in Downingtown where I live? And he's like, no. In the Poconos. And I was like, oh, is this j is this Jay? I'm just gonna say his name is Jay. Okay. Um, cuz he's the current guest we have at our Airbnb. Lovely. He's like, yeah. He's like, my dog got out. He started chasing the deer. He's been doing it the whole time we've been up here. The one time he ran to the neighbor and the neighbor found him and brought him back and he did it again. And now the dog is gone. Speaker 0 00:12:11 Okay. Speaker 1 00:12:12 And I, and he's like the ne I think the neighbor stole it, <laugh>. And I was like, whoa. I was like, dude, take a step back. Let's, let's, you know, think logically, I don't think the neighbor's stealing a dog. Right. You know? So I like go through this whole process. I post it on Facebook, Hey, missing dog. They find the dog. Speaker 0 00:12:29 Was it in the neighbor's house? Speaker 1 00:12:30 The neighbor, another neighbor found the dog and took it to the ca um, the shelter. Cuz they were worried Speaker 0 00:12:38 They didn't Speaker 1 00:12:39 Steal it, they didn't steal it. Speaker 0 00:12:40 Something as valuable Speaker 1 00:12:40 As that. Yes. Yeah. And they gave the dog back <laugh>. This was on Monday. The dog got out again on Tuesday. Uhhuh <affirmative>, someone else found it a bunch of people. Cuz I put my number on the private Facebook group. I said, call me if you see the dog. I left the postop, I got like four calls yesterday saying, Hey, we saw the dog. Hey, I have the dog <laugh> again. This was yesterday. And now today he's saying that he can't get, he, he took an, an Uber up there from this area to the Poconos. Ooh. First off. So he got a no car. And he said, why ride share my, my ride share of service is screwed up. And someone's like trying to scam me. Oh no. And he's there, he's literally at the house still with the cleaners there cleaning around him. And I'm like, do not let this guy stay here and you leave. So it's like, this is happening in real time. It's 1 37 Wednesday afternoon. And it's still like, that's the bullshit you deal with. Speaker 0 00:13:39 He sounds like a potential squatter, Speaker 1 00:13:41 Huh. And we'll see. Speaker 0 00:13:43 I hope not. But Speaker 1 00:13:44 That's the bullshit. Yeah. You know, that's what they don't tell you when you're going through these courses of Oh yeah. Buy an Airbnb, make $2,000 a month. Right. Deal with a guy that's trying to squat on the property and keeps losing his dog. <laugh>. It's crazy. It's literally crazy. Speaker 0 00:14:01 Well that's the thing. Yeah. You're dealing with the general public in some of these situations. I mean, like right now, right after this, I have to, um, drive to Aston to my one rental to uh, look at the roof just cuz like, I'm just improving it. I mean, it's not like, you know, someone's scamming me or anything, but then like, you know, she called me the other day, like, there's a, a leak at the oil tank. I have to get that fixed. Like every heating person in the world is backed up for like three months. Yeah. You know, and like, I'm just like, okay, so whatever I just call around to get it done, but it's like a little bit of headaches and things, you know, I gotta put together a lease for the property. You know, they're jacking my, my insurance up on Florida a thousand because of Ian hitting, you know, um, Speaker 1 00:14:41 Knew that would happen. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:14:42 And, you know, it's like, okay, so I gotta deal with these things. Right. And people say, well, I don't wanna own a rental property. Speaker 1 00:14:47 I gotta, I don't wanna deal with the clogged toilets and pipes and stuff. And, and I'm like, yeah, okay. Speaker 0 00:14:51 You get phone calls. I was like, you know much I got paid for that phone call. <laugh>. Right. Because when you look at the overall picture, that's the thing, right? People, um, they'll start looking at like, okay, this BS that you gotta deal with, whatever, you gotta deal with this guy and his dog, you gotta deal with the right. But like still, overall, the amount of time you're spending versus the amount of money this investment's gonna make you in the long term. Speaker 1 00:15:16 Yeah. And that's, and like it, I had a great point pop up into my head. It's, you have to think about what bullshit do you want to deal with, right? Do you want to deal with your own property that's creating wealth for you? Right. Where the tenants or the guests are paying the mortgage, you're getting appreciation. Right. You're getting the tax benefits, right. Speaker 0 00:15:40 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:15:42 Or do you want to deal with the bullshit of your boss telling you what to do every day? <laugh> going into the job that you're miserable at. Right. Right. What bullshit do you want to deal with? Speaker 0 00:15:51 Exactly. Exactly. And I, you know, when I deal with Florida, I mean, it's, you know, it's interesting too. It's like you get nice stuff too. Like, I had two guests, two or three guests reach out to me, oh, hey. Yeah. Stay with you before, how did everything go in Florida during the hurricane? Oh, wow. Speaker 1 00:16:05 And Speaker 0 00:16:05 Just asking Awesome. How I was doing. Yeah. I was like, wow, that's really nice. You know, like people are like, when you have guests, like you can form nice relationships and um Speaker 1 00:16:13 Yeah. People get invested. Yeah, yeah. You know, and your success, which is really nice. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:16:18 It is. It is. And I think, um, you know, when you're, when you're dealing with all these things you're dealing, like in the moment, it feels like the end of the world. But, you know, I've just noticed different investors in our brokerage and like with Steve Seymour for example, right. Like the, like his life would totally overwhelm like almost anyone. Speaker 1 00:16:38 99% <laugh> of people. Speaker 0 00:16:41 Yeah. They just like be crushed instantly. Yes. Like he's like, he gets like 120 text messages per second and then like his emails like 10,000 emails in there and you know, like people are constantly wanting him. Speaker 1 00:16:53 Yeah. Everybody wants his attention. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:16:55 Right. And it's like, you know, um, and like kind of my wife and I are dealing with this too in our lives because our lives have become more than we can just do. Right. Like, there's more than like we can like handle as human beings with 24 hours on a day and then you have to start cutting stuff out. Yeah. Say, I can't do this, I can't do that. Right. But Speaker 1 00:17:13 Outsourcing. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:17:14 Right. But I think the thing is too, it's like you learn how to deal with it and then you learn how to just put up with it and you're like, like maybe old Sean who was a cook, who, who would own this place? Speaker 1 00:17:25 I would've destroyed it. Like I would've ruined everything, you know, <laugh>, I would've been like the way I would've been like, you know, whatever. Fuck you deal with it, you know, <laugh> and then they trashed it out, whatever, you know. But yeah, the, the, the old version of me could have been, would not, yes. I couldn't have handled it. Right. You know, Speaker 0 00:17:44 I think the old version of me too, it was like, you know, when I got a flat tire, I'd be like, I got a flat tire. My life's terrible. Wow. This happened to me, you know, wait, wait, wait. Right. Like it was like, I was just, I was just so much more like, uh, weak, you know, I was like, and you're a victim. I was a victim. Oh my God. The victim thing, don't get me worked up. Yeah. But like I, you know, like the whole victim mentality thing in our culture and is universal through time. Okay. Right. Right. That's how people, you know, operate. And we have it still. We just have it less <laugh>. Yeah. Right. Like there's, I would agree with that. There's still like stuff I'm weeding outta my garden. Right. Like, that's a victimhood mentality. That's a victimhood mentality. Like taking, trying at least trying in the best way I can to take full accountability for my life. Speaker 0 00:18:31 Right. But the point is like, you start to get used to it. Like, okay, this happens. Okay, now what do I do? Oh, okay. I call a plumber. Yeah. All right. There's clogged toilet. It's not like, oh, the toilet's clogged. Ah, run around freaking it up. Right. Like, it's like, right. You just like, okay, toilet's clogged again, what do I do? Oh, I called Lenny and you know, Lenny comes over and he fixes it and he fixes it. Yeah. I pay $200 because other thing is I'm not broke. So like, not every time everything happens, it's the, it's not the end of the world. Right. I'm not. Right. Exactly. Yeah. You know, so like that also is a big important part of financial freedom and financial peace is just like, okay, yes, we're making these investments at the right times. Right. With the right resources. Speaker 0 00:19:14 Um, and I think that's a huge point, right? Like they say, oh, you can just real estate investment, no money down, you know, I need a penny to your name. And it's like, yeah, you could, but you don't want to do that <laugh>. Yeah. You gotta need some money along the way. Yeah. You need money. I mean, you need money, basically. It's like you gotta hustle to get that money upfront and then invest it and like work towards this. Right. Right. It's not something that just happens overnight. Like me and you have been working on this for years mm-hmm. <affirmative>, right? Like how long? Six and a half years. Six and a half for you? I'd say five for me pretty easily. And it was just like that decision like one day where I was like, I need to own my own life and like need to change my own life. Speaker 0 00:19:48 And I I was blaming my, you know, my boss or Yeah. Other people. It's always somebody else's fault. Ex my, this, my that. Right. Like just blaming, blaming, blaming everyone else, like why I can't succeed or why I'm where I am. You know? And my grandfather was so awesome. He was like the nicest guy. He was a very successful wealthy guy. And you know, I remember one day I came and I was trying to go to business school. Okay. And, you know, he's like, well, I need to understand your financial situation. And I was like, well, I have all these student loans with my, my ex-wife currently and this and that. And he goes, just looked at me and he's like, you think you're gonna run a company if you can't even run your own household? Ooh. And it's a, I was mad at him for like six months. Yeah. I was so like, cuz it was so true. Yeah. And so harsh. The truth cuts, man. Yeah. And I thought about that statement for years and I still think about it and it's like, if I can, it's true if I can't even take care of my own household or take care of myself. Right. Or like, Speaker 1 00:20:50 How can you take care of others? Speaker 0 00:20:52 Right. How am I gonna help other people cut through their shit to invest Exactly. If I can't cut through my own. Right. Yeah. That's like the thing. So Speaker 1 00:21:01 That's, that's good advice, man. Speaker 0 00:21:03 Yeah, it is. Right. You guys, it's really good advice. Handle your house Speaker 1 00:21:06 First. Yeah. You definitely have to be in a good solid position. I believe financially, maybe, I'm not saying that you have to be well off, but you have to be making smart decisions. Yeah. Financially, you have to be making smart decisions personally too. You know, if you're head is all jumbled with all this different crap that you have going on, if you're partying on the weekends, you're doing this and that, you know, like, you're not gonna be a successful real estate agent. Right. You gotta put yourself in the right position. You've gotta put yourself around the right people who can help you get to where you're looking to be. Speaker 0 00:21:45 You know what? I love people. I love you. I love you so much. You're handsome. I I like bald men. That's my thing. Thank you. Thank you. So, uh, shout out, shout out to all ladies. Shout Speaker 1 00:21:57 Bald, bald to baldman Speaker 0 00:21:59 <laugh> and the ladies who love them. But, uh, I like the thing in real estate, it's super easy to get fired. Mm. As an agent, it's super easy because there's like 15 guys lined up behind you ready to take, ready to go a client. Yep. Right outta your jealous right there. So if you screw up, which I have on occasion mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:22:23 <affirmative>, same here. Speaker 0 00:22:24 You get immediate feedback. Right. And it's real. And people will be nice and courteous. Hey, I would like to fire you in the nicest way possible <laugh>. Like, and you're still sitting there like, I'm not gonna get paid now. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:22:39 It's tough Speaker 0 00:22:39 Man. Yeah. When you lose $15,000 because of your screw up, you really start learning fast to, and I think the same thing applies to real estate Speaker 1 00:22:49 Investing. I was about to say, the same thing happens in real estate investing. The same thing happens. You can make thousand dollars mistakes or a hundred thousand dollars mistakes. Right. But you learn so quickly because it's real money and it's your ass that's on the line. Speaker 0 00:23:06 <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:23:06 Right? There's no like, yeah, there's no fallback. It's like this is your money or if you're working with someone, another partner or it's their money. Like you have no, there's just no safety net really, in my opinion. Speaker 0 00:23:20 One thing that really struck me as I started surrounding myself with the real estate investors is a lot of brutal honesty was floating around the room. Mm-hmm. Like almost at the point you couldn't make jokes <laugh> because they'd just be like, well that joke's not funny and here's why <laugh> <laugh>, you know what I mean? Yeah. Because these people are just so direct, so honest, but you know, when you're honest with others and you don't, and you are, and you're, you're honest with yourself. Right. These are like, they're not, you can't like kid yourself and be totally honest with others. No, can't not at all. Can't be totally honest with yourself and kid. Others, you kind of have to move in one direction or the other. Right. So like when, as you cleanse yourself of all this BS you know, that you've, you you're going through in your life and that you need to clean outta your system, right. To become a mature person to try to like, you know, succeed in this business. Like you have no option. You just kind of like start becoming like seeing everything more and more clearly. And then you get more allergic to people's Speaker 1 00:24:17 Crap. To the bullshit Speaker 0 00:24:18 Dude. The Speaker 1 00:24:19 Bullshit. Nobody wants to be allergic Speaker 0 00:24:20 If you never noticed. Uh, this episode is sponsored by bullshit <laugh>, get yourself a can today at your, uh, local store, Speaker 1 00:24:29 <laugh>. So what is some of the bullshit then that newer investors face when they're thinking about getting started in real estate investing? You know, there's all these different things that's, that are coming at them. There's all these different messages, right? Different tactics for investing, different people to listen to. So how does a want to be real estate investor cut through the bullshit so they can actually do the thing? Speaker 0 00:25:03 Hmm. That's a good question. Hmm. I think, I think it comes down to getting real teachers. So you have to be really careful who you surround yourself with. And that's why I also get mad about all the bullshit guru crap. Right. Um, but if you can surround yourself with a bunch of real motherfuckers, you know what I'm saying? Who keep it real, they'll just start weeding your garden for you if you're there. And it's a little uncomfortable, right? But like, I don't know, when a client gets with me, I'll go start, I'm gonna start like gauging their level of tolerance for my honesty. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:25:46 Does that make sense? Like, I'm gonna be like, all right, how much criticism can they take from me and how fast can I pull them through this process? Right. And how, uh, much can I question their beliefs before they're gonna shut down? Right. Right. Um, so I, you know, when I, like I said, like when I'm like, if someone becomes my client, I think again, that's part of like what I'm gonna help them through, you know, is just like, okay, like victim mentality, we need to drop that. Okay. Don't look at me like I'm gonna do this for you. Right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I think that's when I get really irritated. Um, but yeah, I think like it's, it's about who you surround yourself with professionally, like who you're working with. I think it's about who you like. Like if you come to our real estate meetup, we got the one on the 12th on 10 31 exchanges coming up. Ooh. Timothy's. Yeah. 10 31 exchanges are good to know about. Um, so like, getting around that group. And that's again, the Philadelphia Wealth Project. Right. It's it's a collaborative. I was thinking about it. That's the word. Speaker 1 00:26:45 It's a collaborative. Speaker 0 00:26:47 It's a collaborative. Ooh. Speaker 1 00:26:48 Yeah. I like that. Speaker 0 00:26:49 It's a collab. Yo, you wanna be on my mixtape dog? Yep. Yep. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:26:55 I like that. Speaker 0 00:26:56 <laugh>. Yeah. It's like a collaborative, right? It's like people coming together and you know, what will happen is like, people will be like, yeah, I can't find a deal and there's no deals behind me. Like, oh yeah, that's, that's interesting. I just bought a 12 unit. Like, damn well your reality is interfering with my like bullshit bullshit narrative. Speaker 1 00:27:15 That bullshit narrative Speaker 0 00:27:16 Yeah. That I'm putting out there and I don't like this. Speaker 1 00:27:18 Right? Yeah. I think personally that the, for a newer investor, if they're looking to get started, they really have to decide if investing in real estate is what they really want, you know? Yeah. It's more than just like, oh, I saw this thing on the internet or I read this book, but like, if you really truly want to be in it, then you are able to overcome the bullshit things that will keep you from not doing it. You know? And then again, you surround yourself with the right people. If you put yourself in the right position to be successful, then you're going to be successful. Speaker 0 00:28:02 Yeah. You're right. So the desire in your heart usually is gonna come from a lot of pain that you're suffering. Okay? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Like, you're in that kitchen and you're sweating and you're, you know, just working your ass Speaker 1 00:28:14 Off for no moment. Yeah. Well, mine was, even my Desi my pain was deeper, way deeper than that. Speaker 0 00:28:20 Interesting. Tell me about Speaker 1 00:28:21 It. My pain was security, you know? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> growing up and never having enough mm-hmm. <affirmative> growing up and never have owned a house, you know, and didn't have, you know, dad, uh, mentioned it before, didn't leave us anything when he died, you know? Yeah. Like we had, we didn't have nothing, but we had very little. Right. So my pain is a lack of security. Speaker 1 00:28:48 Okay. And that's what drove me to, to get into real estate, to get into real estate investing and become a real estate agent. You know? So it's, it's more so like if you can relate to your pain on a very deep and emotional level and say, I don't ever want this to happen for my kids. And if you really can take that in and then put that out there and say, I want to get started in real estate investing because I want to create a future for my kids that I never had when I was growing up. That's powerful. You know? And everyone's different. Speaker 0 00:29:23 I think the pain for me came from, I'm like an overachiever. Right. And it was like, I wanna be successful and I thought I was gonna take over my dad's business and that didn't work out right. Now that for me was a very painful situation. Right. It was a very, Speaker 1 00:29:47 Uh, it was your identity. Speaker 0 00:29:49 Yeah. It really came in. It really was something I had sort of thought about since I was like six years old. And then to have that not happen, but then just this feeling of like, man, I'm just looking to everyone else around me to create my life and just like, I gotta knock that off. You know? I gotta take control. I gotta be a man. I have to, you know, I can't look to my daddy to save me. Right. I can't look to my grandfather to save me or my wife or my kids or some boss. Right. Like, I need to step up. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:30:24 And the pain was real financially as well, you know, suffered losing everything. Right. And, um, you know, growing up we had what we needed. I wouldn't say we lived lavishly though, but, but we had what we needed for sure. I mean, but still, I was just always like very driven and, and wanted to succeed mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I think that the 10 years or so of setbacks and suffering and ending up with nothing was so frustrating for how hard I had worked that I went all right. Like, I need to think and I need to be more strategic and I need to fix myself. I am to blame for what happened. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:31:09 I can Speaker 0 00:31:10 Agree. You know, and that is really a hard pill to swallow for many, many people, um, including myself. Speaker 1 00:31:16 Extreme ownership. Speaker 0 00:31:18 Yes. But it, it, and I think extreme, extreme ownership even harder when you've been screwing up <laugh>, right? Yeah. Because you gotta a, you gotta own that bag of shit you're carrying around and then you gotta say, okay, but the good news is if you are the problem, you're also the solution. Mm. You know, and I, I'm not saying that like I've done everything on my own. Like, I mean, I pray all the time. I'm religious, you know, like guy and like I've surrounded myself with people that have pulled me up. You know, I've just really like leaned into creating the right support around me. Right. And not trying to do it all in my own strength. Right. And again, that's what this collaborative is about, is trying Speaker 1 00:31:57 To, it's all comes back to support. Right. It does. Having and when we, I think we'll say it until we die, but it's really just surrounding yourself with the right people. Yeah. Right. And that's what the Philadelphia Wealth Project is. Right. Surrounding ourself with the right people that want to grow wealth in real estate. You're back <laugh>. Sorry. Just had to deal with a little bit more bullshit. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:32:18 <laugh>. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:32:19 Can't even make this up. We'll see if Speaker 0 00:32:20 The guy leaves. Speaker 1 00:32:21 Yes. I hope he leaves. Speaker 0 00:32:22 Well on the next episode, I guess we'll fill people in on the situation. Whether you had to go up there with a, uh, one of those bats that has the nails around it. Have you Speaker 1 00:32:30 Seen those? Ooh, like a nein bat. Speaker 0 00:32:31 Those are pretty intimidating. Speaker 1 00:32:32 Uhhuh <affirmative>, <laugh>. And anyway, we were, where were we? Oh, Speaker 0 00:32:36 We were talking about the we on December 10th, and we, this is very preliminary right now, we're thinking about, and we're getting set up to kick off the Philadelphia Wealth Project, like as an event. Speaker 1 00:32:48 I'm doing a drum roll and I don't know if they can hear it. Speaker 0 00:32:51 There's probably gonna be an amazing speaker named Sean Connors there Speaker 1 00:32:55 And Rob Lawrence and Speaker 0 00:32:56 Rob Lawrence Speaker 1 00:32:57 And a couple other people. Speaker 0 00:32:58 A couple other people too. Yeah. It's probably gonna be like an afternoon event where we're gonna basically go through net worth. We're gonna go talk about strategy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we're gonna talk about, uh, motivation and goal setting, which is getting over you on bullshit. Speaker 1 00:33:12 I love it. Right. Speaker 0 00:33:14 And we're gonna make a plan, a five year plan. Speaker 1 00:33:17 Love making a plan. Speaker 0 00:33:18 That's what you're gonna talk about. I love it. That's why you're gonna talk about that. Yeah. Cuz you're gonna get to help people make a plan because you know what? This is gonna take you right through those steps of Okay. Understanding. Now again, like you said, you gotta have the desire in your heart Right. To want this because it's not gonna be easy. But if you do do it, it's gonna pay. Yes. And it's gonna keep paying in a biggest, in bigger ways than I think we even know. Right now. Speaker 1 00:33:41 You're talking like a lifetime of success. Like if you put in the work now for the next five years, you can set yourself up for the rest of your life. Can you imagine that? I can Speaker 0 00:33:57 You, I can, I think, I don't know. I mean, my life has been so crazy, so amazing. I mean, just like, you know what, I think it is cool too, it's like when you have to, like, I have to wake up at 5 45 in the morning. I have to go work out. I have to do my gratefulness practice. I have to do the my Bible study just so I can deal with <laugh> my day. Right. But those things are making me a better husband. They're making me a better father. They're making me happi a better person. Happier. Right. But, but I have to do those things right. To like be who I need to be. Right. And I am, am coming into who I I'm supposed to be. Right. Right. And I know that like, where I'm going is gonna be really interesting, but it's, again, it's just like cleaning out the things about my stuff. Speaker 1 00:34:42 It's the airplane analogy. I go back to that all the time. Speaker 0 00:34:45 Airplane. Tell me about this Speaker 1 00:34:46 Airplane. You're on the airplane, you're 30,000 feet. Speaker 0 00:34:49 This sounds kind of high. Speaker 1 00:34:50 It it is high. You're 30,000 feet high. <laugh>, something happens to the engine, it goes out mm-hmm. <affirmative> the plane starts to go down. Yeah. What do they say to do when the oxygen mask comes down? What do they say? Speaker 0 00:35:01 Oh, you gotta put that thing on you. Speaker 1 00:35:03 You gotta take care of you first so you can take care of everyone else around you. Yeah. So you can be the support that you need to be to all the people around you. You have to take care of yourself first. It is not selfish to take care of yourself. Speaker 0 00:35:17 No. Especially if you're going to, you know, have a family and Yes. And, and take care of them and and, and teach them. And teach them who to be as a person. Exactly. Um, you know, they're gonna do what you do rather than what you say. Right. Like, I know that about kids. Speaker 1 00:35:30 Um, kids model you, they model your behaviors, they model your reactions, they model everything. One of my kids. Good and the bad, Speaker 0 00:35:37 One of my big takeaways from Grant Cardone mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I'll, I'll throw out. Um, you know, and I don't always agree with him on everything and he can be annoying to me sometimes, but one of my big takeaways was he's like, why does everybody say it's great to be poor? Isn't that how good to be poor? You can't help anybody. Right. You can't give to charity. You can't help people. They need that in your, around you. You can't support your family. Like, there's no glory in it. It's hard. It's just as hard as being successful. Speaker 1 00:36:03 It is. Right. Speaker 0 00:36:04 There's Speaker 1 00:36:04 No inherent be benefit to it. Speaker 0 00:36:07 And you know, Sean, I know we're getting along, but I just wanna say one last thing is I was thinking about investing, right? And I think every single thing we do is an investment. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> every second in our day is invested in something that is true. You know what I mean? Like, we're investing right now in this podcast, in this time, um, you know, to get it out, but like, it's like me and you could talk here alone or we're recording it and we can get it out to hundreds or thousands of people. Right? Right. Like, there's a strategy around how you invest your time and energy. Right. So with real estate investing, it's like, okay, I gotta take the time to learn. I've gotta take the time to work on myself. I've gotta take the time to make money so that I'm in the position. I have to straighten out my own personal finances. Right. I have to set goals, I have to be grateful, I have to find my spirituality. I have to find, you know, do all these things. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, <laugh>, you know, it's a lot of work. Speaker 1 00:36:58 Right, Speaker 0 00:36:59 Right. But the time passing. Yeah. Right. The money is the, the, the sand dial is going right. The time is flowing right. And some people are investing in, you know, murders she wrote on, uh, you know, the old person channel or something. Right. Like that's where they're putting their time and they're putting their energy into whatever gambling or they drinking too much, or Speaker 1 00:37:19 We're always investing in something. Right. We're always investing our time. We're always investing our minds. We're always investing ourselves into something. And it really comes down to what do you want to invest yourself in? Right. You know, do you want to be successful or do you want to be that person that just sits on the couch all day and does nothing? Right. Speaker 0 00:37:37 It's like the guy who's like drinking every day, he's investing in liver, uh, failure. Right. Yeah. <laugh>. You know what I mean? It's like he's like, that's what he, you know, he's working hard at it. Um, so it's like, it's, it's just like, uh, the, the, the thing I always think about is like a billionaire in me. What's the difference? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, pretty much it has to, especially the self-made ones. How did they invest their time and energy and how much time and energy did they have? Right. And it's like, it can really multiply over time like that, you know, that like that angle of departure, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and they've invested a lot of time and energy in the right things and the right strategies with the right thinking and, and maybe there's some fortune blessing luck along the way Of course. But just like, you know, you know, billionaires may be an extreme example, but it's like they're not physically stronger than me. They're probably not that smart, much smarter than me. They're definitely not as good looking as I am. That's true. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:38:28 The last part is so Speaker 0 00:38:29 True. <laugh>. So it's like, you know, the, the, it's like we're all just human beings, right? Right. And then we all have 24 hours in a day. You know, we all have about a certain amount of calories we're gonna burn and consume in a day. And that's our energy Right. That we're putting out. And it's just like, where do you invest it? Right. Speaker 1 00:38:44 I love it. So keep your calendars open. December 10th. That's the day. Is that what we're thinking? I Speaker 0 00:38:51 Think that's gonna be the day. Speaker 1 00:38:53 I love it. All right. Well Speaker 0 00:38:55 Thank you for joining us. Speaker 1 00:38:56 Thank you for joining us and if you have any questions and wanna reach out to us, make sure we put all the contact information below. Yeah, I look forward to the next podcast Speaker 0 00:39:04 And check out the meet up on the 12th and also stay tuned next episode to see what Sean had to do to this guy <laugh> to get him out if his house <laugh>. God, I hope he leaves. Just please leave. Leave. Yeah, you're going have to call the sheriff <laugh>. All right guys. All right. See, we'll talk to you soon.

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